As an AE, you want to find a place where you truly believe in the product, the market agrees, and you have a team you’re confident in. We’ve got you covered on all levels.

  1. Market: Creative is the #1 lever for success in paid advertising which has lead to us achieving product market fit - this puts you in a winning spot heading into any call.
  2. Product: Our product solves the market’s need and is incredibly sticky - on our demos, it’s always a joy to see the value we add for our prospect and there are rarely any sticking points.
  3. Team: This is where you come in - With 1 & 2 fulfilled, having an amazing team will allow us all to go through exponential growth together.

What problem are we solving?

Intro to Motion video

Intro to Motion video

We’re building a new category of software to bridge the gap between performance marketers and creative teams so they can produce more winning creatives and generate $$$.

Our customers are top ecom and DTC brands like Vuori, True Classic, The Farmer’s Dog, HexClad and hundreds more. They’ve used Motion to analyze over $3B in media spend.

There is a strong community forming around Motion and we have a ton of exciting product features in the roadmap.

👉 Learn more about Motion

Why do the best people want to join Motion?


What does it mean to be ‘great’ at Motion?

This is evolving, but we’ve built our sales culture to where our top performers exceed expectations and thrive in our environment.

👉 Learn about our culture and expectations here